
How Leningrad / St Petersburg Survived the Bloodiest Blockade of WW2 in Human History

by Anatoliy Brusnikin, Russian historian & journalist [1-18/2023 published]. (Before reading this detailed military history about Leningrad in WW2, I would suggest that you read...

Russian History: The Great Patriotic War of WW2

by RT RussiaPedia. (Have you ever wondered why the Russians always refer to their Mother Land and the Great Patriotic War? This summary of what...

Russian 80th Anniversary of Breaking the Siege of Leningrad / St Petersburg

By Kremlin News [1-27-2024 published]. (In the West we have absolutely no idea what it means to lose 2.2 million people in a city of...

Michael Jaco Exposes Shocking Weather Warfare Unleashed Upon America

by Patriots Base [1-10-2024 published]. About Michael Jaco Michael Jaco is a retired veteran with over 24 years in Naval Special Warfare and over two...

Mike Adams & Alex Jones: Artificial Intelligence & How Humanity Can Win -2

by Health Ranger Report [12-15-2023 published]. (Mike Adams is a scientist who understands AI (Artificial Intelligence). Centralized control of AI by big business & governments...

Mike Adams & Alex Jones: Artificial Intelligence & How Humanity Can Win -1

by Health Ranger Report [12-15-2023 published]. (Mike Adams is a scientist who understands AI (Artificial Intelligence). Centralized control of AI by big business & governments...

Censorship of TRUTHFUL Voices has paved the way to Train AI Systems to LIE & DESTROY Humanity

by Health Ranger Report [12-4-2023 published]. (We have all been wrong about censorship! The real purpose is to purge truthful information from the internet and...

Edward Dowd – CBDC’s, Financial Collapse IMMINENT, Vaxx Deaths EXPLODE!

by Maria Zeee [4-6-2023 published]. "It is literally a prison planet." Former Blackrock portfolio manager, Ed Dowd, explains why every last remnant of your freedom...

Benjamin Fulford & Jim Willie Discuss the World Situation

by Benjamin Fulford [11-18-2023 published]. (This is definitely a high spirited discussion about bank failures, economic collapses, power struggles, currencies collapsing, political intrigue, wars, and...

Scott Ritter: Israel/Hamas War and the Future of the Middle East

by Mazen Canada [11-6-2023 published]. Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector, known for his inspections in Iraq...

The Event That Will Change The World?

by Future Forecasting Group [9-13-2023 published]. Note: The last 2 videos are after the following discussion, so be sure to scroll down for them. Allow...

Scott Ritter: Geopolitics “Before Ukraine” & “After Ukraine”

All dressed up, going nowhere. A NATO exercise in Ukraine, 2011. (U.S. Army Europe/ cc by 2.0/ Wikimedia Commons.) by Scott...