
The Event That Will Change The World?

by Future Forecasting Group [9-13-2023 published]. Note: The last 2 videos are after the following discussion, so be sure to scroll down for them. Allow...

Michael Jaco & Ole Dammegard: Child Trafficking in Maui, DEW Tied to Space Force, Targeting Argentina Trump?

by Michael Jaco [10-3-2023 published]. (Both Michael Jaco & Ole Dammegard are very knowledgeable and have excellent observational skills. - RAD) Resources Ole Dammegard: Truth...

Clif High & Nino Rodriguez discuss possible big event coming

by BaggyPants [9-15-2023 published]. (We are in the middle of a world war on many levels and the 'Deep State' is getting desperate. Over many...

Geoengineering: Romanian General Emil Strainu on the Terrifying Possibilities of Geo-warfare

by General Emil Strainu & Dragan Vujicic [3-14-2023 published]. (Notice that General Emil Strainu is technically qualified to discuss this topic, yet he has to...