
Russian History: The Great Patriotic War of WW2

by RT RussiaPedia. (Have you ever wondered why the Russians always refer to their Mother Land and the Great Patriotic War? This summary of what...

Russian 80th Anniversary of Breaking the Siege of Leningrad / St Petersburg

By Kremlin News [1-27-2024 published]. (In the West we have absolutely no idea what it means to lose 2.2 million people in a city of...

Scott Ritter on Speaking Plain ‘Putin’

by Scott Ritter & Scott Ritter [12-18-2023 & 12-20-2023 published]. (I have been pointing out for a long time that the Russia of today is...

Mike Adams & Alex Jones: Artificial Intelligence & How Humanity Can Win -2

by Health Ranger Report [12-15-2023 published]. (Mike Adams is a scientist who understands AI (Artificial Intelligence). Centralized control of AI by big business & governments...

Mike Adams & Alex Jones: Artificial Intelligence & How Humanity Can Win -1

by Health Ranger Report [12-15-2023 published]. (Mike Adams is a scientist who understands AI (Artificial Intelligence). Centralized control of AI by big business & governments...

Henry Kissinger: The war criminal who saved the world

by Scott Ritter [11-30-2023 published]. (I have taken the liberty of making a few parts of this article bold & italic, especially for those of...

Benjamin Fulford & Jim Willie Discuss the World Situation

by Benjamin Fulford [11-18-2023 published]. (This is definitely a high spirited discussion about bank failures, economic collapses, power struggles, currencies collapsing, political intrigue, wars, and...

Scott Ritter: Wartime Lies & Propaganda Exposed, Middle East, Ukraine, Russia

by Kim Iversen [11-9-2023 published]. Scott Ritter was a United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998. He was chief inspector in fourteen...

Michael Jaco & Ole Dammegard: Child Trafficking in Maui, DEW Tied to Space Force, Targeting Argentina Trump?

by Michael Jaco [10-3-2023 published]. (Both Michael Jaco & Ole Dammegard are very knowledgeable and have excellent observational skills. - RAD) Resources Ole Dammegard: Truth...

Scott Ritter: Geopolitics “Before Ukraine” & “After Ukraine”

All dressed up, going nowhere. A NATO exercise in Ukraine, 2011. (U.S. Army Europe/ cc by 2.0/ Wikimedia Commons.) by Scott...

Clif High: Military Oversee 2024 Elections? Kirk Elliot: Economic Turmoil?

by Man in America [9-10-2023 published]. (The wide ranging discussion with Clif High goes until 1:36:50. Although Clif has a lot of good insights from...

Scott Ritter, Diane Sare, August 6 Rally Remembering Hiroshima

by Issues that Matter with Cynthia Pooler [8-1-2023 published]. (Our politicians, Media, State Department, Military, & Military Industrial Complex are playing an INSANE game in...