Scott Ritter & Nima Alkhorshid – Ukraine Committing Suicide

by Dialogue Works [4-11-2024 published].

(Scott Ritter is on an important rant about how short sighted the entire West, including NATO, Europe & the US, is about the Ukrainian situation. Everything he points out has already been verified by many others. There is NO military that can stand up to & defeat Russia in Ukraine & it is folly for people to keep deluding themselves. When President Eisenhower left office, he warned about the military-industrial-complex. It has now morphed into the military-industrial-congressional-complex, which is even more devastating. Since the end of WW2, in order to fund this military-industrial-complex, we always need 'enemies' to justify the ever increasing expenditures.

In case there is any doubt left in your mind, there is absolutely no way for Ukraine to win against Russia. Unless sanity sets in for the West, there will be nothing left of Ukraine. They have already been defeated. When this is over, there will be no negotiations. Russia will dictate the settlement terms, just like the United States did to Japan at the end of that conflict. Furthermore, neither Russia nor China are our enemies today. — RAD)