Scott Ritter Talks About Sweden & Finland, NATO, Ukraine, Russia, & the Nuclear Annihilation Path the West is on

by Issues that Matter with Cynthia Pooler [7-14-2023 published].

(We are living in very dangerous times. Unless we really understand what is going on and take steps to change direction, instead of being swayed by political ideology, the West, NATO, & the military-industrial complex will lead us into nuclear annihilation where all human life will be eliminated from earth. This is not fear mongering. It is the reality of what is happening. Pay close attention to Scott Ritter's insights and what each of us can do to help change direction. — RAD)

  • Turkey & Sweden issues about NATO & the EU
  • Expanded nuclear sharing issues
  • Ukraine will never be a member of NATO.
  • Finland has about 1000 miles of border with Russia, so joining NATO will actually weaken Finland.
  • Both Sweden & Finland are in a weaker position by joining NATO.
  • Trump and RFKJr implications with respect to NATO
  • Cuban missile crisis was created by the USSR to get USA missiles removed that were too close to the USSR. The Cuban missile crises was a 'controlled' event by both sides.
  • Today is totally different & much more dangerous, because both the United States & Russia are looking for a unilateral advantage. There is no cooperation or framework to resolve issues.
  • If the West had embraced the Mikhail Gorbachev revolution, the USSR would have emerged as a very stable democracy, but the West continued to fight the USSR as though it was still a communist state. Gorbachev ended the dominance of the communist party of the Soviet Union and moved towards a government elected by the people.
  • Russia is not an inherent aggressor, but has had to respond when other forces have tried to destabilize it.
  • The issues with Ukraine go back to at least 2007.
  • Putin will go down in history as the man who saved Russia.
  • If the United States & NATO don't change course, Putin will also go down in history as the man who defeated NATO & the United States.
  • The expansion of NATO has weakened NATO. The conflict in Ukraine weakens both NATO & the United States. All of this is making Russia stronger.
  • With the right leadership, the United States & Russia can peacefully coexist, yet this requires strong leadership, because if left to its own devices, the 'establishment' will always push for conflict with Russia, because that is how the 'establishment' is structured.
  • The United States is 'programed' to need an enemy. We are in a constant search of enemies, instead of working to peacefully coexisting with others. Unless stopped, this search for enemies will lead to nuclear calamity.
  • We need strong leaders capable of seeking a peaceful coexistence with Russia, because otherwise a military confrontation can lead to nuclear and the destruction of all human life on earth. Right now, only Donald Trump & RFKJr understand this.
  • The vast majority of pundits pontificating about Ukraine & Russia know nothing about what they are talking about. They are being driven by their political beliefs, not because of their knowledge. They are 'experts' of nothing.
  • Everyone flying a Ukrainian flag is not a friend of Ukraine. They are enemies of Ukraine because they are allowing Ukraine to be destroyed by actions of the West. Their actions show that they hate Ukraine & that they don't know anything about Ukraine. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans are ignorant about Ukraine.
  • Even General Petraeus has been lying to get paid.
  • Scott Ritter is working on a documentary about how to wage for peace. He wants this to be available by the middle of 2024 to put pressure on the politicians to focus on peace & disarmament. Unless we can make this shift, we are in grave danger of heading towards nuclear annihilation of everyone on earth. He has enough money to make the trailer for the movie.
  • We live in very dangerous times. It is very important to see past the anti-Russian rhetoric in America. Become empowered with knowledge about what is really going on in our country, NATO, Ukraine, & Russia. None of our aspirations will be achieved if there is a nuclear war. We will all be dead.