News Resources
As many us have known for a long time, it is hard to find useful news sources within the United States. Many parrot the 'official propaganda' of our government & politicians and often lie about what is really happening. For many years I've looked for additional online news to better understand what is happening, in addition to studying relevant books & listening to a diverse group of knowledgeable people across many disciplines. Here are a few resource that I've found relevant.
Depending upon what you are interested in, there are many other reasonable resources that don't constantly lie to us.
You will probably be surprised to learn how much global information is not shared by American news outlets and how much is outright lies and biased. This search engine will find all of that 'sensitive information' that the standard American search engines hide and manipulate in many different ways. The desktop Brave, Opera & Microsoft Edge desktop browser no longer allow Yandex. Currently, I've found that the Firefox browser works well with Yandex. Since I don't have Apple equipment, I don't know if Apple allows Yandex. If Yandex doesn't work on your phone or tablet, install Firefox and try again. I frequently use Yandex to research topics that our government & others don't want us to see.