LENR: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions for Abundant Energy

by Decentralize.TV [7-27-2023 published].

In this episode, Mike Adams & Todd Pitner interview James Martinez, a longtime advocate of LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions), a breakthrough technology that produces heat and energy by converting heavy water mass into thermal output. It used to be called "cold fusion" and was suppressed for decades by the dishonest science establishment. Now, it's being researched and replicated by the US Navy, US Army and deep-pocketed Big Tech giants like Google. Licensing deals are under way with appliance makers and boiler manufacturers in several nations around the world. Soon, the world will be powered by LENR, and you won't need to be connected to a centralized power grid.

(After listening to this interview, I realized how important the LENR technology is and how it has the potential to significantly change & improve everything we do in the world. I then carefully went through the interview again to share links discussed in the interview and provide relevant comments. — RAD)

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6awWO-btC1Y [6-18-2021 | 12:25] 60 Minutes - Cold Fusion is Hot Again. Although this video was posted in 2021, it was made over 10 years ago. James suggested that this is a good review of cold fusion, if you aren't familiar.

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cold-fusion-is-hot-again [4-17-2009] Cold Fusion is Hot Again. This article was probably written at the same time as the above video was created.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbzcYQVrTxQ 10-8-2022 | 19:52] Sabine Hossenfelder, PhD physics: Cold Fusion is Back (there's just one problem). Sabine has a knack for explaining complex concepts. I found her video when researching LENR. Although she points out the many issues surrounding cold fusion, by the end she is open to understanding the underlying phenomena. Notice that she was warned that taking a look at LENR could harm her reputation, yet her inquisitive mind wants to know more.

Martin Fleischmann & Stanley Pons discussed cold fusion in 1989 at a University of Utah news conference. Unfortunately, their reputations were destroyed as a result. Fortunately, they have now been vindicated and cold fusion has been renamed LENR.

LENR generates excess heat. It could be commercialized as small as a microwave oven and used in a wide variety of applications, including in a home. It will probably first be commercialized as much larger systems, as explained in the interview.

Although wind & solar power generation are all the rage these days, they don't have the capacity to be scaled up to provide adequate needs for the world. As LENR is commercialized, the use of wind & solar should drop off.

James said that RFK Jr knows about this technology. James plans to show RFK Jr this technology in the lab and explain the value of getting behind it.

https://BrillouinEnergy.com Brillouin Energy is a clean-technology company located in Berkeley California, developing renewable energy technologies capable of producing commercially useful amounts of thermal energy (heat). Our LENR technology is a powerful, targeted technical and economic solution for climate change, grid safety, energy security, food security, clean water and other pressing challenges. With the specter of pandemics, this impact investment opportunity is further vital to ensuring that the lowest cost, most flexible micro grids can be built to power the localized supply chains of the future.


https://arpa-e.energy.gov/search?search_api_fulltext_op=or&search_api_fulltext=lenr&type=All This search for 'LENR' shows many articles.

https://www.cleanplanet.co.jp Clean Planet's LENR research. At Clean Planet, we’ve been going through Research & Development processes with the top scientists in nano-material’s science, quantum physics, condenced matter physics, nuclear physics and thermodynamics. We have already discovered that, with the advanced science, it is possible to generate a heat source without fossil fuels or nuclear fission. What is left now is to make this clean and safe heat source available to all, as soon as possible. Bringing the “Energy Revolution” to the world – I look forward to your continued support in achieving this goal, so we can keep enjoying this beautiful Earth and pursue further prosperity.

James: The big engineering breakthrough cam when Brillouin Energy figured out how to control the LENR process, including switching it on/off & turning it up/down. They figured it out after lengthy trial and error.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR0rOHkgkRA [12-21-2022 | 1:00:06] James Martinez on Operation Mind Control and taking back our power with conscious awareness. (James was one of the original MK Ultra whistleblowers.)

https://www.theothersideofmidnight.com/james-martinez-expanded-bio James Martinez Expanded Bio

https://coldfusionnow.org/the-believers-the-movie Released in October, 2012 The Believers is a documentary that tracks the dark side of the March 1989 announcement at the University of Utah that two respected chemists had solved the world’s energy problems. They had discovered “Cold Fusion”. Within days Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons were on the covers of numerous magazines worldwide. But three short months later their science has been discredited and their reputations ruined. The established community of physicists refuse to accept the alleged experimental results. Retreating to France the two pioneers pursue their researches for another five years before retiring into twilight. Meanwhile “Cold Fusion” has become synonymous with “pathological science” within the general scientific community.

There could not be a better modern example of a combination of hubris and bad public relations for a product launch. Understanding what went wrong makes this story worthy to be the central focus of courses in marketing, or more precisely bad marketing, for years to come.

Meanwhile, twenty-three years later, laboring under the disdain of their peers, a small group of faithful scientists still persist in trying to resolve the un-answered Mystery of where the incontrovertible unexplained heat of the Fleischmann & Pons Effect comes from. Once solved, this scientific breakthrough may yet become the salvation of civilization providing an unending supply of low-cost energy.

The movie is not, however, so much about the science as it is about the tragedy of the personal lives of the two original discoverers. It is also about the tragedy of the rejection by established institutions of the opportunity to pursue a discovery of unparalleled importance. This assumes that its riddles can be solved and the science applied to produce its potentially vast technological rewards. But the Believers themselves are not organized. Without the presence of overseeing management and meaningful financial resources, they are all struggling with their individual theories and personal myopic experiments leaving little hope that a breakthrough is imminent.

No one can leave the theater without asking themselves: “How could this have happened?”

https://www.amazon.com/Believers-Martin-Fleischmann/dp/B01E4N6BD8 [1hr 54min] The Believers movie.

LENR technology has the potential to make the cost of food less expensive, because energy is the #1 cost associated with the production of food.

https://anthropoceneinstitute.com/team James has been talking with Carl Page, founder, about the need to have meaningful public dialogs before this technology hits the streets.

LENR ends the carbon credit & climate scare & scam, because it makes energy totally ‘green’ with no emissions. It also ends the power governments have to rule over people’s lives & to restrict people into 15-minute cities. This is the power that the government doesn’t want to give up.

Of all the people James has worked with, Mike Adams has done the most homework on understanding how LENR works & how it can impact the world in a positive way.

https://lenrdiscovery.com THE NEW LENR LANDSCAPE - A NEW KIND OF ENERGY. The revolutionary possibility of clean, safe, and reliable energy easily accessible to all has been thought to be impossible. Who would have imagined that harnessing power densities comparable in magnitude to conventional fission or fusion but producing no toxic emissions or dangerous radiation would be plausible? Throughout the 20th century, scientists have observed anomalous heat that could not be explained by chemistry alone. Until recent years, reproducing this phenomenon has been difficult but the multiple developments in quantum science, nanomaterials, and advanced manufacturing suggest a new type of nuclear energy may be at hand.

https://coldfusionnow.org There’s enough hydrogen in one-cubic kilometer of ocean water to provide energy more than all the world’s oil resources and a third choice in atomic power. With the cold fusion process, there is no CO2 emissions and no radioactive waste. Fusion-sized heat delivered without a grid from your very own generator. Batteries that last for the life of a device, and can be recycled after. Metal hydrogen energy, quantum hydrogen energy, LENR, or cold fusion, all the names describe a novel reaction that occurs when hydrogen crams into the tiny nano-spaces in metals and is revolutionizing our understanding of nuclear physics.

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https://www.britannica.com/technology/thermoelectric-power-generator Thermoelectric Power Generator

https://www.brighteon.com/00000000-0000-0000-0005-986904214001 [1-6-2019 | 18:16] LENR Cold Fusion David Knight interviews Robert George of Brillouine Energy Aired on (5-8-2016) Reposted (1-6-2019)

https://www.brighteon.com/dbfe4aa4-bb26-4915-b239-3769622a9353 [43:35] Learn How LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) Can Power the Future

https://www.brighteon.com/0ae0f3d4-fcb9-40bf-a88b-f9200cf31f0d [25:58] Cold Fusion, LENR and Gonzalo Lira - a fascinating dive into the nature of reality

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