Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing.’

by Robert J Burrowes, Global Research [1-28-2023 published].

Robert J Burrowes has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a geopolitical analyst since 1971. Since becoming a nonviolent activist in 1981, he has been involved in many nonviolent action campaigns and been arrested for nonviolent acts of conscience about 30 times. He is the author of The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense: A Gandhian Approach and ‘Why Violence?’ He is a regular contributor to ‘Global Research’.

(Although this article is very long, it is important for understanding where we are today and what is necessary to defeat the 'global elite' before they destroy us. At minimum, after clicking on "READ FULL ARTICLE", read: Preface, Introduction, Chapter X, & Conclusion. Once you realize the magnitude of our challenge, then go back and read the other chapters & get involved. — RAD)

READ FULL ARTICLE: Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing.’

(Note: You will see the following "Table of Contents" after you click on the above link to the full article. It is shown here to give you an idea of how much the article covers.)

Table of Contents




Chapter I

A Brief Economic History

Chapter II

Who Is the Global Elite and How Does It Operate?

Chapter III

The US Federal Reserve System

Chapter IV

The Bank for International Settlements

Chapter V

World War II and What Followed

Chapter VI

The Post World War II Superstructure to Transform World Order, Destroy the World Economy and Capture All Wealth

Chapter VII

The Coup de Grâce: The Great Reset

Chapter VIII

Collapsing the Global Economy

Chapter IX

The Rothschilds and Transhumanism

Chapter X

So What Can We Do About This?


Since the dawn of human civilization 5,000 years ago, in one context after another, some people who are more terrified than others in their immediate vicinity have sought what they perceived to be increased personal ‘security’ by gaining and exercising greater control over the people and resources around them.

Progressively, over time, this serious psychological dysfunctionality has been compounding until, today, the degree of ‘security’ and control that some people require includes all of us and all of the world’s resources. For want of a better term, we might call them the ‘Global Elite’ but it is important to understand that they are insane, criminal and ruthlessly violent.

This takeover of all of us and everything on Planet Earth is currently being attempted by this Elite through the ‘Great Reset’ and its related fourth industrial revolution, eugenicist and transhumanist agendas.

In essence, the intention is to kill off a substantial proportion of us, as is now happening, enclose the Commons forever (and force those who live in regional areas off the land) while imprisoning those left alive as transhuman slaves in their technocratic ‘smart cities’ where we will ‘own nothing’ but provide the compliant workforce necessary to serve Elite ends.

Whether wars or financial crises (including depressions), ‘natural disasters’, revolutions or ‘pandemics’, great events are contrived by the Elite to distract attention from and facilitate profound changes in world order and obscure vast transfers of wealth from ordinary people to this Elite.

And this is done with the active complicity of Elite agents – including international organizations such as the United Nations, national governments and legal systems – which is why redress cannot be found through mainstream political or legal channels.

However, distracted by an endless stream of irrelevant ‘news’, superficial debates such as capitalism vs. socialism, monarchy vs. democracy, this political party vs. that political party, or even which football team is better, virtually all people are oblivious to how the world really works and who is orchestrating how history will be written by elite agents.

Is there conflict between individuals, families and groups within the Elite? Of course! But unlike the conflicts they endlessly throw in our faces to distract and manipulate us, the unifying agenda to which they all subscribe is to perpetually restructure world order to expand Elite control and extract more wealth for Elites. 5,000 years of human history categorically demonstrates that point.

Hence, if humanity is to defeat this Elite program, we must do it ourselves.

And if you want your resistance to this carefully-planned Elite technocratic takeover to be effective, then it must be strategic. Otherwise, your death or technocratic enslavement is now imminent.

We Are Human, We Are Free: Worldwide Nonviolent Resistance To Elite Control