
President Vladimir Putin’s Speech at the 2024 Valdai Forum

by Russian President Vladimir Putin [11-7-2024 published]. (The above 57:55 minute speech is simultaneously translated from Russian to English. The total time was 4:07:33 when...

Pepe Escobar & Judge Napolitano: Kazan BRICS – Did Putin or Xi Prevail?

by Judge Napolitano, Judging Freedom [10-29-2024 published]. (Pepe realized that a giant laboratory is a good metaphor for thinking about the Kazan BRICS Summit. At...

Pepe Escobar: Kazan BRICS Makes History – Can They Keep the Momentum?

by Pepe Escobar [10-28-2024 published]. The not so simple twists of fate always allow certain cities to make their mark in History in ineffable ways....

Malaysian Guest Opinion: The importance of BRICS in today’s world

by Bunn Nagara, from Malaysia via Xinhua, via St Petersburg News [10-25-2024 published]. In today's turbulent world, BRICS is not just important, it is essential...

Pepe Escobar & Danny Haiphong: Putin and China Send DEVASTATING Warning to NATO and the US $Dollar is Finished

by Danny Haiphong [6-21-2024 published]. (Russia, China & Iran are the key sovereign players in the world who are coordinating the BRICS nations. Brazil should...